Friday, May 31, 2013

Extra Credit

Chasing Ice

This 2012 documentary follows photographer James Balong and his crew to remote glacial areas in Greenland, Alaska, and Montana to document the accelerated melting of glaciers. The team is equipped with 25 time-lapsed cameras and are set up for a 3 year span of time. During this documentary, Balong and team risked their lives installing the cameras and photographing in ice canyons, sharp drop offs, and extreme weather conditions. Balong also had severe knee issue during the filming and installing of the cameras.The documentary really displays the severity of climate change and its impact on glaciers, it is happening and its happening at a rate which can be measured in a short amount of time, geologic change. The footage that is captured is really shocking, the landscape before-and-after comparisons were appalling, the terrains were severely altered. A rare and scary event happened during the filming of this documentary, a glacier the size of Manhattan broke of a main ice sheet. Mr. Balong is an inspiring environmentalist and photographer, he says a powerful statement at the end of the film I think would make everyone question their integrity.

"Guys...I was doing everything I knew how to do"

Waste Land

In 2008 Artist and Photographer Vik Muniz brought attention to consumption and the amount we waste as a society in art. The art is trash. The two year project is filmed at Jardim Gramacho landfill, the world's largest landfill and home to 70% of Rio De Janeiro trash. Muniz decides to create pieces of artwork composed entirely of trash found at the landfill, he covers projected photographs with trash and then photographs them from a bird's eye view. Some materials included, sugar, dirt, bottle caps, syrup, and the list goes on. During the filming the artists meets several people that deeply impact the film; Irma, Isis, Valter to name a few. These "pickers" of recyclables at the landfill become Muniz's muses. After the project Vik sold the photographed images and all proceeds went back into the union that represents the "pickers," one was even sold for $28,000 at an art auction. In total he raised $250,000 for the ACAMJG union. The documentary was really eye-opening with the way other countries handle waste disposal and the lives it effects in positive and negative ways. To see mountains of trash and people digging through them really demonstrates the mountain we as a society face in the battle against consumption and protecting the environment . There is a quote said in the documentary that i think is symbolic in so many ways regarding environmental isses and it is said by trash "picker" Vlater,
"The fight is long but the battle is certain"

Eating Animals 
By Jonathan Safran Foer

This book shines a heavy light on the world of domesticated farm animals and seafood, production, treatment they receive, and dire facts about impacts on the environment and human health. Eating Animals is the result of three years of research on the meat industry including interviews with representatives of all points of view about the issue.  Foer lets several of these representatives speak for themselves: an animal rights activist, farmers,  a hardline vegetarian, and several factory farm workers. I think it was good that he was trying to get points of view from all industries. Foer covers a lot information about the production and what it takes for pork, poultry, beef, and fish and seafood. Although the species vary, it is obvious they share horrible commonalities; intense pain, overcrowding, unsanitary conditions, genetic mutations, uncontrolled use of antibiotics, and tons of secrets. It seems laws against the inhumane treatment of animals are waived when it comes to factory-farmed animals. This book really is whistle-blowing to the meat production industry and describes how as a society we have failed to recognize animals as animals and that they do have feelings and are intelligent beautiful creatures and deserve to be treated better and humanely if they must be die.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Final Blog...

 I believe that the most important issue plaguing the enviroment is the amount of we as consumers waste especially the U.S. The U.S. is the biggest waste producer and we are only 4.5% of the world's population, it's truly disgusting. The "Story of Stuff" really breaks down how much "Stuff" we do waste and how much energies and resources are really involved in the big scheme of products. Even recycling has become a toxic game of monopoly, companies selling recyclable material to other third world countries to make a profit while those materials are broken down and pollute the land and its inhabitants.
As a society we can do so much to scale back on the amount of waste we dispose of; educate your self and be that one person that makes a change, others will follow. We as consumers have the power to stop the large amounts we waste. Buy less things, enjoy the free things in life, buy recycled products or that use less packaging. Practice the 4 R's REFUSE REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE.

I try and do as much as I can, I did even before I took this class. I try not to buy things, if I do it is usually from a thrift store. My fellow classmates that have been to my house and can vouch for me, 95 % of my home items are second hand, and my place is stylish. I don't use paper plates or paper towels/napkins, I have reusable cloth ones. I always educate my friends and family I pass it on, it's so important to share what you've learned and I've seen change in them. It's great to see.

I have learned so much information about the environment this semester. The movies we have watched really opened my eyes; CNG and "GasLand" and the plastic plague in "Bag it." Also, the  field trip to Badlands Landfill was really powerful to see, this beautiful view of the valley from the top of a pile of trash. Tragic. I was very disappointed to find out that biodegradable material is really waste in landfills due to the arid conditions in the landfill itself, slowing the decomposition of trash. Another concept I really grasped was the heavy amounts of money and politics involved in the advances and losses of environmental issues. The carbonfootprint and water calculators were both very informative and fun to do! Finally, I am also glad I met the individuals in my  group, it is inspiring to meet others that are concerned about the environment and fighting to help save it. 
"Man! Have No Fear! Nature Knows The Great Secret and Smiles" (Victor Hugo)

Friday, May 24, 2013

Badlands Landfill

The field trip to the Badlands Landfill in Moreno Valley was interesting and informative. I learned a lot about the landfill process.  I was shocked to learn that prior to 1996 landfills were not required to place liners in the trash pits, allowing leachate (fluid that drains from the piles of trash) to filter into watersheds and local environments. The Badlands landfill was established in 1966 and is projected to have a "life" expectancy for the next 150 years. After a landfill has reached it limit, the company that runs/owns the facility is required to watch and monitor the site indefinitely. The Badlands landfill also has a gas to energy processing plant and a recycling center for electronic waste and refrigerators, usually having at least 2 people breaking down the recyclable waste. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Changing Climate

Climate change is happening. It's happening at a rate faster than scientists have predicted. A vast amount of information and data has been obtained from research to dispute those who believe otherwise. Although changes in climate have occurred over the course of Earth's history it has definitely been accelerated due to the human induced problems that threaten the planet.
According to evidence, is the climate changing right now?
Research and Data shows that climate is changing now; According to NASA

Sea level rise

Global sea level rose about 6 inches in the last century. The rate in the last decade, however, is nearly double that of the last century.

Extreme Weather Events

The number of record high temperature events in the United States has been increasing, while the number of record low temperature events has been decreasing, since 1950.

Ocean acidification

Industrial Revolution was the beginning with the acidity of surface ocean waters having increased by about 30 percent.This increase is the result of humans emitting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and hence more being absorbed into the oceans. The amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by the upper layer of the oceans is increasing by about 2 billion tons per year.

What does evidence say about humans’ roles in the changing climate?

We effect climate change so drastically that our daily activities and lives contribute to climate change by changing the Earth’s atmosphere in the large amounts of greenhouse gases and by burning good ol' oil, which releases carbon dioxide gas to the atmosphere. Other contributors is the amount of consumption, placing a pressure on manufacturers to produce more, creating more toxic output into the environment.

How is climate change likely to affect our society and our world?
The unfortunate consequences that humanity is suffering and will suffer from climate change include: 
Global Temperature Rise
Ice Sheets Melting at an alarming rate
Warming Oceans  
Although there is plenty of information available that would show climate change is a serious threat to the planet and mankind,  many still disbelieve the facts. I find it interesting that a lot of skeptics and scientists disproving climate change are usually one of the following; republicans, wealthy republicans, millionaires, giant corporations that are conglomerates of many different companies that have a lot of influence on the general uniformed public. They say money makes the world go round...well money is bringing the world to a dead halt if something is not done soon. 
If we continue our rate of climate change and nothing is drastically done in 50 years are planet is going to look a lot more different. According to an article I read in LIVESCIENCE.COM ...
"About 50 percent of plants and one-third of animals are likely to vanish from half of the places they are now found by 2080" 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Boycott Ringling Brothers Circus

The Famous Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus is coming to the Citizens Bank Arena in Ontario July 19 - 23.
For many years this "big-top" has been scrutinized for severe elephant/animal abuse. Elephants are intelligent, strong, and beautiful creatures that should not be subjected to cruelty for the purpose of entertainment. I am trying to get a group of people together to protest the "Show" on the dates they will be here. If you are interested please contact me.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Rub-a-dub-dub! Are Toxic Chemicals In Your Tub?

Want the latest wrinkle curing moisturizer? How about laundry detergent that keeps your dark clothes dark? Take a look on the back of the product at the ingredients (if they are even listed) and you might think twice before covering your face with latest L'Oréal product.

It's not just what you put into your body, it's also what you put on it and the effects it has on your body and the planet.

Potential risks that are associated with personal and household care products can be overwhelmingly scary, along with the intimidating ingredient lists on the backside of products, sometimes products will not list the ingredients but simply the "active" ingredient. According to Green Clean Certified there are three essential categories into which most of the hazardous ingredients in household cleaning products fall are:

1. Carcinogens– Carcinogens cause cancer and/or promote cancer’s growth. 
2. Endocrine disruptors – Endocrine disruptors mimic human hormones, confusing the body with false   signals. Exposure to endocrine disruptors can lead to numerous health concerns including reproductive, developmental, growth and behavior problems. Endocrine disruptors have been linked to reduced fertility, premature puberty, miscarriage, menstrual problems, challenged immune systems, abnormal prostate size, ADHD, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and certain cancers.
3. Neurotoxins – Neurotoxins alter neurons, affecting brain activity, causing a range of problems from headaches to loss of intellect
I picked a product that I use on daily bases and did some research. The product is Crest ProHealth Clinical Rinse which contains Poloxamer 407, a common ingredient in oral care and CPC (cetylpyridinium chloride) a antiseptic used in dental hygiene. Which were both not listed on the bottle itself, I had to write an email to P&G requesting a complete listing of the ingredients.

Purified Water,USP
CPC (cetylpyridinium chloride)
Poloxamer 407, NF
35% Hydrogen Peroxide, cosmetic grade

Poloxamer 407: According to  "may cause renal, or kidney, toxicity. In addition, explains that this ingredient may cause changes in your blood lipid profile"

CPC (cetylpyridinium chloride):
  According to the Dictionary of Substances and their Effects
 Cetylpyridinium chloride is toxic if swallowed or inhaled and reports reports the results of toxicity tests in which lab rats inhaled 0.05, 0.07, 0.13 and 0.29 mg of cetylpyridinium chloride. Fourteen days after the initial exposure, signs of toxicity included nasal discharge, respiratory difficulty, weight loss, bloody tears, and inflammation of the iris, cornea and aqueous humor (the fluid part of the eye). Other adverse effects in animals include nervous depression, convulsions and limb paralysis.
Reading the side effects of both ingredients shocked and scared me. I immediately looked into healthier alternatives which included a homemade version of a mint mouthwash:

1 cup aloe vera juice (fairly inexpensive at Trader Joe’s among other places)
1/2 cup distilled water (I just used filtered)
1 tbsp. witch hazel
2 tsp. baking soda
20 drops peppermint essential oil

Itry and use DIY cleaning materials on my home versus toxic household chemicals. I use a vinegar solution with floors, olive oil on wood products, and baking soda and vinegar combo for sinks, toilets, etc. It feels pretty good to not use toxic cleansers and its cheaper too! Give it a try!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Eye'n Energy

I like to think I am  conscious of what resources I use and try my best to live in a sustainable way. The assignment this week was to unplug, conserve and observe the amount of energy I use in a 24-hour time frame, I chose Friday 4/26 8:00 a.m.- Saturday 8:00 a.m.

After waking up I performed the following Home Energy Reduction Steps:

  • Unplugged entertainment system power surge cord; DVD, TV, WII, WiFi Router, Laptop Charger
  • Unplugged all other devices; Alarm Clock, Garbage Disposal, Mobile Charger, (2) Lamps, SoniCare Toothbrush
  • Opened all windows-Allowing fresh air and natural light in
  • Took a quick 5 minute shower
  • Walked to the store instead of driving
  • I only used my lamps with CFL bulbs in the rooms I was in at the moment
  • Removed 2 out of 3 light bulbs in my bathroom light fixture
Devices I had to leave plugged in:
  • Refrigerator, Stove
Overall, it was a pretty good feeling to unplug, it prompted me to read, work on projects and to try and keep myself entertained without the use of electronics. It was shocking at first to unplug all the electronics, especially once my mobile and laptop exhausted battery life in the evening. The exercise also made me really aware of how many wasted standby power devices (vampires) I own. I will definitely continue to unplug devices I am not using ,especially when I go on vacation. Unfortunately other than shorter showers and opening windows there isn't anything I could give up permanently. I plan on cutting my car usage and start walking or using my bicycle more often.  

Looking around my home I realized I could do a lot more to be more energy efficient. Over the weekend I purchased a Power Smart Tower to help stop "vampire" electronics from draining power in my apartment.
Power Smart Tower
I live in an apartment so I am limited to how much I can really do but if I had the money or my own house I would invest in Resource/Energy Efficient Appliances; Refrigerator, Dual-Flush Toilet, Stove and lighting.